There are plenty of these items available in stores or online on stores. These include umbrellas of varying sizes and even ponchos. The umbrellas feature a simple, cute, and stylish pink-and-white striped pattern with a modest "Pink Ribbon" imprinted on one of the white stripes.
Umbrellas are very effective in promoting your cause because they can be imprinted with your name, logos or any message you want to communicate, breast cancer awareness in this case. They are sturdy and of latest wind resistant, rain repellant and sun protective materials. Most importantly, in rain or shine these umbrellas are visible and spread the message to remind and make people aware of the issues regarding breast cancer.
Instead of buying a bleak, boring black umbrella like everyone else; you could consider purchasing a cute pink and white striped umbrella. The pink umbrellas can be found on the internet along with other pink promotional items. But you need to do your home work to buy from a reputed store. Also you should get those that will last a long time and preferably windproof. You will find many competitively priced, yet durable and stylish. They are folding and easy to carry along. But umbrellas aren't the only items. If umbrellas aren't for you, there is also can be a poncho-durable, comfortable, and made of quality material, the poncho will keep your hair and clothes from getting wet and frizzy on drizzly days.
The best part? Some of the suppliers of these umbrellas, will support breast cancer awareness programs. Your purchase will not only be chic, beneficial, and stylish... it will also help the cause! Portions of all proceeds from Breast Cancer Awareness items go to benefit the fight against Breast Cancer. To help the cause you can find other stores who will donate proceeds of sale of other related items.
While looking for Breast Cancer Awareness umbrellas look for ones that are specially designed to be windproof, wind resistant or wind vented. These umbrellas are able to withstand moderate to gusty winds of up to fifty miles per hour or more! If you've ever had the frustrating experience of having your umbrella blow inside out during a powerful storm, you know exactly how nice a wind resistant umbrella would be.
These umbrellas are unique and durable against strong winds up to sixty miles per hour. The umbrellas come between average 42-inch sizes up to extra-large 62-inch sizes. Differing sizes means you can choose the one that works for you. Make sure you choose wisely, because these quality umbrellas last for ages! Most importantly with a little bit of research you can find top quality umbrellas that are durable, windproof, stylish and easy to carry and handle and affordable at the same time.
So you can purchase a quality-made, wind resistant umbrella not be left out this upcoming rainy season.and support an important cause. The Breast Cancer Awareness umbrellas offer a stylish, pink and white striped umbrella to take shelter under during those autumn rains. With your pink umbrella, you will remind others to get scheduled for a checkup... who knows, you might even save a life.
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