If you see fresh apricots, we know that summer is here. We can buy canned and dry growth throughout the year, but the news from May to early September.
Grow the rest of the year in South America, Australia and New Zealand. If you prefer fresh or dried apricots, apricot health benefits are numerous.
Health Benefits of Apricots
These berries are high in fiber healthy, rich in beta carotene, as well as a number of nutrients for health.
Apricots are rich in vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant, prevents free radical damage in tissues and cells. Especially in the eyes and vision are very useful, such as free radicals can act in Qatar and macular degeneration and destruction of blood flow leading to the eye. "It is obvious that fruits rich in vitamin A, carrots are a better appearance.
The high fiber damask is very helpful for digestion, constipation, diverticulosis, and also the prevention of stomach cancer.
Although most fruits, apricots, part of the fruit such as apricots, benefits, and how much, if not more, than some of its biggest "cousins" are.
In addition to fresh apricots, you can buy in jars or cans, as well as pickles and jams, and dried. It is also sold alcohol.
Not as juicy as other fruits, are excellent, if sliced and served with a salad, cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, etc., will add flavor to food without the "wet".
Dried apricots are healthy and in other areas, where fresh vegetables are not likely to help. The amount of the increase in calcium, iron and phosphorus in the scores, but also calories.
Apricots, fresh and canned food, especially in a dry, antioxidants that help prevent heart disease.
The stone contains a walnut, apricot, rich in protein and fat than others. It has a high content of reports laetrile (vitamin B17) to be very effective in preventing cancer. Laetrile cancer treatment uses high doses of vitamin B17 to reduce tumors.
Break the rocks, like little seeds, remove seeds and grinding. In salads, or mix with honey to easily integrate the system.
You can also break all the rocks and steep in boiling water, infused with a little "juice" of fruits or other lemon in honey to sweeten, if necessary.
However, the kernel is often used as a potentially toxic if misused. You can produce hydrogen cyanide (HCN), for use in a piece of clothing is sometimes good enough. Or you can toast the seeds before using. Roast destroy harmful cyanide.
These cores were used to extract the oil, like almond oil to relieve muscular tension using a sedative antispasmodic. Helps heal wounds and expel worms and is a tonic for good health in general. Apricot oil is in the process and treated to eliminate any toxicity FFPA, ie free of hydrogen cyanide
This was the kernel, oil, flowers, leaves and fruits of apricots used since antiquity for medicinal purposes.
The seeds have a flavor a bit, "as apricot kernel, and are in fact related. They are often used in conjunction with almonds and candied fruit. A common mistake is the style of the button "Amaretti Sarronno" made with almonds, which is actually made from apricot seeds.
A high iron content of apricots is good in the fight against anemia and contains small amounts of copper, helps the body absorb iron.
Prolonged consumption of large quantities of apricot was known for the production of hemoglobin, which makes it very useful to increase after the period, particularly in women with heavy flow.
Apricots contain pectin and cellulose, which acts as a mild laxative and helps in the treatment of constipation. Cellulose is an insoluble fiber which, in the chair, and pectin helps keep water, mud and soft.
They eat apricots, before a meal stimulates digestion, because the alkaline to neutralize acids.
Apricots can help fever. Preparation of a liquid or dilute with a little honey "apricot and water. This relieves thirst, fever, quiet and clean the system and the addition of vitamins and minerals.
This time, with the leaves of apricot. Pass through a food processor or blender to get the juice, the juice is the burning of calm and tranquility, or itching caused by sunburn, eczema and scabies.
The flesh of the apricot is good for clearing acne skin problems and others, thanks to its high vitamin content. Apricot scrub, often contain.
The content of the apricot is rich in minerals which makes them useful for anemia, blood poisoning, asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis.
You can also contribute to the risk of cancer of the larynx, pharynx, esophagus and lungs.
Apricot helps destroy and expel worms, and it helps dissolve and remove gallstones.
The nutritional value of apricots are as follows:
Vitamins A, B, C, thiamine, calcium, carbohydrates, protein and phosphorus.
100 g apricots are about 50 calories.
Dried apricots have a value much greater than the cost of food because the nutrients are concentrated. Only 5 kg of fresh apricots 1 kg dry. The high concentration of nutrients, beyond the fact that the number of calories can be increased. Dried apricots, with 12 iron, fiber-7, and five times more vitamin A multiplication
I firmly believe in progress for the "pharmacy of natural" foods, especially fruits and apricot is one of my favorites. Droughts and charges may be added to food during cooking, add a delicious flavor and the nutrients wonderful. They are widely used in the kitchen, Turkey and Morocco, in specific uses
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