Severe acne can reside anywhere in your body. For some people, it would be in their face. For others, it would be in other parts of their body. Therefore, I will generalize it and give some useful suggestions about how to banish severe acne from your skin. I don't claim that I know how to do this properly, but I know that my suggestion worked for me in the past. So, I would like to share it to you and give some ideas about how to get out from this miserable suffering.
As you may know, severe acne is not a problem that can be taken lightly. If you neglect it, it will spread more in your skin, and give you a bad look. So, your apathy is definitely not the best answer to eliminate your severe acne problem. It is only by active efforts from your part that you will be able to banish this problem once and for all. Even so, your effort should be the right effort. That's because you can't treat your severe acne carelessly.
Your skin is very sensitive. Therefore, when you treat your acne carelessly, it will tend to make the condition worse. So, just follow my suggestions below.
When you have severe acne, remember these things:
1. Don't touch it. If you feel itch, just rub it softly with the back of your hand.
2. Remove whiteheads inside your severe acne immediately when they appear on the surface. This will help to reduce the swelling significantly within few days.
3. Eat light portion of meals. I mean, don't be a glutton and eat anything that you see. You will give your body more burden as well as toxins. Control your appetite.
4. Excrete your bowel regularly. Give yourself a time every day to clean your digestive system from toxins.
5. No matter what you're doing, when you feel that you need some rest, make sure to go to sleep immediately.
6. Keep your clothes and your surroundings clean and organized.
7. Avoid exposing your skin in excessive heat or cold. Extreme environments can aggravate acne.
8. No matter what you do, keep your mind at peace. I can't stress this enough because peacefulness will help you to keep your skin clear from acne. Control your temper.
9. Do not overwork your body. Do everything in moderation. Know when to stop.
My suggestions above will help you to banish severe acne from your skin. Again, I can't guarantee any result for you, but I know that those things work because I've applied them in the past.
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