
How to Stop Bad Breath in Easy Ways

How to stop bad breath is a question often asked by halitosis sufferers who are already desperate in finding the most effective cure for their problem. If you are one of these people, then rest assured that there are a few effective solutions for bad breath including the following:
1. Gargle diluted hydrogen peroxide two times a day. This is something that you could do after brushing your teeth and scraping off all the bacteria from your tongue. What you need to do is to mix hydrogen peroxide and water together and then swish the mixture around in your mouth for approximately forty-five seconds.
When the hydrogen peroxide becomes foamy, you can expect it to start working in killing excess bacteria that cause your breath to stink. Make sure, however, that you avoid overdoing the use of this gargling solution as this might cause your teeth's enamel to decompose.
2. Sip a cup of flavored green tea or black tea. These teas are effective in making your breath fresher and in fighting infections. Green and black teas are rich in polyphenols that work as antioxidants and are effective in protecting your human cells from extreme damage.
Polyphenols are also effective in stopping the growth of bacteria within your mouth by thirty percent. The good thing about both of these tea variants is that they are also good for your health.
3. Eat yogurt. Aside from being delicious and low in fat, yogurt is also a great answer to the problem of how to stop bad breath. It is a great solution for indigestion and is capable of curbing bacterial growth inside your mouth. What you need to do to take advantage of the ability of yogurt to cure bad breath is to take two servings of it every day.
The good bacteria present in yogurt will compete with the bad bacteria in your mouth to prevent the latter from spreading. You can also expect the good bacteria present in yogurt to work in improving your digestion.
4. Use herbs. There are several herbs that work in stopping bad breath. These include parsley, spearmint, coriander, rosemary, tarragon, cardamom and eucalyptus. Eating any of these herbs while they are still fresh is an effective way to get rid of bad breath. You should also try drinking tea made from these herbs. Aside from helping you eliminate bad breath, you can also expect this to be good for your digestion.
5. Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber. Fiber rich fruits and vegetables including apples, celery and carrots can help beat halitosis because these are capable of increasing the level of saliva in your mouth for a natural rinsing effect. Eating an apple on a daily basis is also like brushing your teeth. You can also expect these foods to work in boosting your gastrointestinal health.


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