If you are a fitness newbie and want to invest in an exercise
equipment at home, you might have questions on whether to go for a
treadmill or elliptical. Chances are you might opt for the treadmill
since it is an affordable option than an elliptical. Believe me whatever
you invest in is worth every penny because you cannot put a price on
your health.
So, rather than thinking in terms of monetary value,
let us dissect the two equipments based on what your goals are and what
your needs are. Then, you will be satisfied with your choice and it will
definitely be worth your money.
Simulates walking: The treadmill is the closest you can get to simulating walking, jogging and running.
Inclined plane: Treadmill has options like changing to an inclined plane to increase the intensity of your workout.
Impact on joints: If
you are only interested in using the treadmill for walking then there
is no real issue of impact on your joints. But if you are going to pound
away on the treadmill by jogging or running in place then your joints
are bound to get affected as your feet is coming in contact with a hard
surface continuously.
Burns lesser calories: The
treadmill burns lesser calories for the same exercise option you choose
on the elliptical. In other words, you can burn more calories on the
elliptical for the same amount of time you walk on the treadmill. Of
course, if you change that to jogging or running then the calories burnt
will be more or equal to that burnt on the elliptical.
No impact on joints: The
elliptical has a running on air motion that does not impact the joints
as the body is not landing on a hard surface as on the treadmill.
Burns more calories: You
can burn more calories on an elliptical simply because you will not
tire easily as on a treadmill and therefore you will be willing to keep
going for some more time on the elliptical.
Reverse: Elliptical has a reverse mode which targets a different set of muscles in your body than when you go in forward motion.
The elliptical gives you the advantage of being able to crosstrain
because of the moving arms and the reverse stride option. Therefore,
overall you will get better results for your body than the treadmill as
you can tone your arms and legs.
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