1. Your brain converts short-term memory to long-term memory.
2. Tissues regenerate and muscles recover (explaining why sleep is so important to athletes)
3. Metabolism slows and the body rests in preparation for the new day ahead.
Sleep has survived the course of evolution. If our deer hunting, wild berry picking ancestors found the need to sleep, despite enemy tribes looking for their scalps and dangerous bears hungry for a meal, then so should we! Sleep is a huge part of life, taking about 8 hours of a person's time everyday, or roughly a third of a person's time.
Almost all of the most successful people in the world have cracked the code and realized that being well rested gives them more energy to be more productive.
4 Quick Tips to Fall Asleep:
- Cold is an effective signaler for sleep, so opt to take 10 minute ice baths with 2-3 bags of ice from a convenience store an hour before bed.
- Plan an extra 15 minutes before sleep and in the morning for a sleep and wake-up routine. For example, every night before going to bed, drink a glass of water, listen to soothing music, and stretch for 15 minutes. In the morning, drink another glass of water, listen to some hip-hop music, and do some push-ups and sit-ups.
- Reduce your sugar and caffeine intake during the day to prevent drastic rises and falls in your energy level. Opt for fruits and vegetables as snacks instead. If possible, eating meals at set times will regulate bodily hormones responsible for developing a consistent circadian rhythm, including sleep cycles.
- Make a habit of writing journal entries every night to clear your mind of stressful scenarios or anxious thoughts. This will help put you mentally at ease and more prone to sleep peacefully. To avoid late night planning, write out a priorities or to-do list in the afternoon or early evening instead of right before bed time.
If you are desperate for a way to fall asleep quickly, you are not alone. People of all ages, genders, shapes, and sizes have trouble falling asleep for various reasons, be it stress, worry, or a number of other factors. Ironically, sleep deprivation only exacerbates these problems. Learning how to sleep properly will save you HOURS of time and trouble.
Does being able to master sleep sound like something you might be interested in? Read on to find out more!
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